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Check Your Connection

So, today I wanted to talk about how strong your connection is, and no I'm not talking about your internet or Wi-fi connection. I'm talking about the connections that you have with the world around you. I'm talking about your connection to others in your life and most importantly I am talking about the connection that you have with yourself.

The dictionary defines Connection as "a relationship in which a person, thing or idea is linked or associated with something else."

We have been in nine months of a pandemic which has had effects on everything from job security to unemployment. From having a roof over your head to having to move back in with your parents. From living a healthy lifestyle to being on a ventilator fighting for your very life. One of the things that has been most affected and addressed minimally is the loss of connection that we are having in our world. People have transitioned from working in busy workplaces to working at half capacity or working from home. Our exposures to other individuals has been drastically limited and it is affecting many people.

We have already seen a shift in the last decade in how we connect with people. Very rarely do we pick up a phone and call our friends, we are more often than not going to send a quick text, or message on a social media platform. We limit our interactions to likes on photos or videos on Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok. Social Media has in a way made us less social. The reality though is that we as humans are social creatures. We desire and in fact need to have a connection with others in our lives.

So how do we adapt in a safe and healthy manner when we are caught in the middle of a pandemic with uncertainty of when and if things will ever return to normal? The reality is that we need to develop a connection first within ourselves. Your relationship with your self is the most important relationship that you are every going to have in your life, so ensure that you are spending time investing in that relationship and nurturing it.

There are simple ways to strengthen your connection with yourself like:

- spend time in quiet and meditation

-become mindful of your feelings, and don't judge them

- learn to journal, you'll be shocked what you learn about yourself

- disconnect from your phone and spend time doing something you enjoy

Maintaining and nurturing our connections with others is definitely more difficult in these times but they are possible and worth it. So how do you build connections with others when you can't be out there being your normal social butterfly self? Here are some ideas:

-Pick up the phone and call someone. Don't text, actually speak live to someone. It's amazing the impact hearing another persons voice can have on your mental health.

-Video chat with someone seeing another persons face can life your spirits and brighten your day after being locked up and alone.

-Get outside and go for a walk with someone. This is a great way to number one stay healthy and avoid the Covid 20lb gain, but it also allows you to get some fresh air, and sunshine, and you are able to socially distance while having connection with someone else.

It is important to understand how important connection is in our lives and to acknowledge and recognize that there are some people in your life that may be struggling due to the lack on connection that has now been forced upon them. Take a minute to think about the people in your life that you love and care about and then reach out (give them a call) and make a connection.

And if you feel like you don't have anyone you can connect with, reach out to me, I am always here ready to connect with you!

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